A Plan and a Philosophy

The Experience Plan’s interconnected strategies envisions the Balboa Park Cultural District as a premier civic asset. The plan encourages free navigation through all spaces, encountering distinct activities around every corner. Leveraging the District’s unique qualities, it unveils the unseen and fosters a community perspective for a comfortable, safe, and welcoming experience. It represents a commitment to aligning all spaces, activities, programs, and events with inclusivity and a sense of belonging that establishes clear expectations for every visitor.

Together, we can bring a joyous, bountiful, and fulfilling experience to all Cultural District visitors.

Our vision is clear: transform the Balboa Park Cultural District into an inclusive, vibrant, and dynamic destination for all. To achieve this, we commit to implementing the identified strategies, fostering collaborations, and leveraging community insights. By enhancing visitor experiences, amplifying gathering spaces, and sharing diverse stories, we aim to create an accessible and welcoming Cultural District that reflects the richness of our community. Let’s embark on this journey together, ensuring that every individual, regardless of background, finds joy and fulfillment in their Cultural District exploration.

Pilot Projects in Progress

Cultural Plaza at WorldBeat Cultural Center and Centro Cultural de la Raza

Parking Access Action Plan Phase 1 (Mobility)

Coming soon! – Activated Gathering Place between Fleet Science Center and San Diego Natural History Museum