The Cultural District experience begins with the commute. While parking and transportation considerations extend beyond this plan’s footprint, equitable access to the Cultural District is tied to equitable access to reliable and convenient transportation options.

Parking at the Balboa Park Cultural District has been a known challenge for patrons for decades. While strides have been made to increase accessibility for pedestrian traffic, vehicle traffic continues to suffer despite the growing car-centric nature of the City of San Diego. Parking lots closest to the Cultural-core of the Balboa Park Cultural District fill quickly and many patrons are unaware of the alternative parking options currently available and how to navigate back to other areas of the Cultural District from the unfamiliar parking lots. The recent development of the Experience Plan by the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership addresses the key challenges patrons face upon arrival at Balboa Park, aiming to make arrival an easy, welcoming experience.

Currently approved projects for parking structures could significantly alleviate both parking and access concerns and infrastructure could be implemented and adapted for electric vehicle charging.