This experience plan leverages three interconnected place-based strategies to enable the Balboa Park Cultural District to live up to its full potential as an inclusive space for everyone today and for future generations to come.

  • Invite Exploration: Foster a sense of discovery by encouraging movement within and between different zones of the Cultural District.
  • Amplify Great Gathering Places: Enhance the cohesion and hospitality of key gathering spaces within the Cultural District to create more compelling destinations.
  • Tell Stories Everywhere: Extend narratives beyond institutional walls, transcending colonial perspectives and ensuring that stories permeate throughout the Cultural District, enriching the overall experience.

Strategy 01
Invite exploration
Enable movement into and between zones of the Cultural District

Strategy 02
Amplify great gathering places
Strengthen spaces by making more cohesive and hospitable destinations in the Cultural District

Strategy 03
Tell stories everywhere
Extend stories outside the walls of institutions and beyond colonial perspectives

Design Principles

The success of the three strategies will be measured by the integration of four design principles in the future planning and implementation of these proposals.

  • Accessibility. The availability of places and experiences currently inaccessible due to perceived and physical barriers and obstacles.
  • Inclusivity. The representation of people whose perspectives and decision-making have historically not been included in the Cultural District.
  • Connectivity. The collaboration between experience providers, communities, common spaces, and land.
  • Sustainability. The environmental, financial, and organizational longevity of implemented proposals.